Importing/exporting XBMC Star Ratings?
Are there ways to get audio ratings (there is an ID3 tag for it) into the XBMC database and XBMC ratings written into audio tags?
System: Kodi on NVidia Shield 2015
Video: Panasonic AE3000 Projector / Samsung 46" LCD
Audio: Quad 2912 on Nord DM500Up with Marantz 7010 receiver.
I would love something like this

Bump =)
System: Kodi on NVidia Shield 2015
Video: Panasonic AE3000 Projector / Samsung 46" LCD
Audio: Quad 2912 on Nord DM500Up with Marantz 7010 receiver.
I know its old theard, but I allso wold like to have this future Smile
Hello bugmenot user. The first half (reading ratings into the db) is already there and has been for probably close to 10 years. The second isn't - there may be some movement on this over the next release period if some people have time to work on it.
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Importing/exporting XBMC Star Ratings?0