XBMC Fullscreen (Hide Android NavBar)
I was wondering if there are any plans to make XBMC go full screen, perhaps a secondary helper app that can be optionally installed?

I am using a Rikomagic MK802iiis (Android 4.1.1) and it runs XBMC like a dream, only downside is the navbar and clock and notification icons are stuck at the bottom of the screen the whole time, the navbar on this particular device has a button to hide it however when you press the hide button, XBMC slides down the exact number of pixels as the navbar is tall and leaves a black bar at the top of the screen above XBMC and most importantly above the video, I wouldn't mind if the navbar was there whilst the interface was showing or whilst your moving the mouse or using controls and it slid out of the way after a couple of second time-out but its annoying when you play 1080p video on a 1080p screen and you get vertical letter boxing because the navbar is taking up screen realestate and making the space something more like 1041px tall.

XMBC seems to draw its 0,0 pixel from the bottom left corner up, and this I think means that when the navbar is forced out of view the 0,0 moves down the screen and XBMC doesnt resize itself to the full screen again and just leaves black un-used space at the top.

From what I have read from android ICS onwards they (google) decided to make it much more difficult to hide the navbar and I have seen some hacks that involve editing some of the root apk's (framework-res.apk etc) to adjust the height of the navbar to be zero pixels tall, its an ugly hack that I would rather avoid and I'm happy to live with it whilst XBMC for Android matures, but just wondering if anyone is working on it at all and whether I could help with it.
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Thank you davilla, total n00b move huh Big Grin

That thread is focused on developing XBMC, for those who want a solution now because your wives are bitching about it, this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...FullScreen works with my MK802IIIS provided I set it hide the bar before running XBMC, it also has the ability to set invisible "touch areas" to jump back to home or bring back the navbar.

A google search had this thread as the second link to "xbmc full screen" (could just be a targetted thing based on my history who knows with google these days) but I figured I would update it with that info.
You can also Fullscreen an Android Environment by using some Android Apps. I use one called full!screen. It can be set to automatically hide the nav bar and go fullscreen on startup. You can also use one called AutoStart and have it automatically start XBMC on startup. Instant XBMC environment.
Would be cool if at least XBMC application dimmed the status bar, as other applications do...
I don't have root on my tablet, so I can't hide status bar, but it would be great if buttons could be dimmed...
I would be really, really cool if others would actually read the other threads that involve this Smile
(2013-02-05, 22:12)androidawg Wrote: You can also Fullscreen an Android Environment by using some Android Apps. I use one called full!screen. It can be set to automatically hide the nav bar and go fullscreen on startup. You can also use one called AutoStart and have it automatically start XBMC on startup. Instant XBMC environment.

Is there something with a whitelist, so the nav bar only hides for XBMC?

On my phone, choosing fullscreen in xbmc fixes this. But on my Android 4.1.1 media center thingie, xbmc has no option fullscreen, only windowed, which is essentially fullscreen + nav bar.

I am using the Official XBMC for Android 12.1 found here:
Try Xubuntu. It's the new Ubuntu.
(2013-04-11, 16:16)Redsandro Wrote: Is there something with a whitelist, so the nav bar only hides for XBMC?

On my phone, choosing fullscreen in xbmc fixes this. But on my Android 4.1.1 media center thingie, xbmc has no option fullscreen, only windowed, which is essentially fullscreen + nav bar.

I am using the Official XBMC for Android 12.1 found here:

The first link isn't an official source for XBMC.
A good combo, the one that I also currently using is :

Or check this post for a review: Android + XBMC
Just got my Minix x8h and loving it except for one pretty annoying thing...

On some files (all 1080p I think) I'm getting black bars at the top and bottom if the screen, the bars are not quite full width which seems odd and they are very distracting - any ideas how to get rid? Example below...


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XBMC Fullscreen (Hide Android NavBar)0