Linux Symbolic Links not being added to Library
I am having an issue with my xbmcbuntu (local DB) connecting via NFS to my ubuntu server 12.04 NAS box (Media Server) that also has an external WD HD attached via USB.

Everything connects and works but I noticed that when I go to Video -> Files -> Television shows only the TV Shows that are on the NAS box itself show "tv information" all the other shows that are linked via symbolic links to an external HD do not show "tv information". From here you can click on ANY show and you see the files and can play them fine.

But if you go to TV SHOWS -> Title, you see thumbnails of ALL the shows, but the shows located via a symbolic link to external HD have NO files when you click on the thumbnail. The shows located on the NAS work fine.

Is there an issue using symbolic links in this manor? I debugged this and do not see any errors pointing to any issues.

Thanks in advance.
Symbolic links shouldn't be a problem, I use them extensively myself. As a workaround couldn't you just add the NAS shows and the ones on your external drive to the same media source? That way you don't need to symlink stuff.
I would certainly do that, but space is the issue with that. That's the whole reason for the external drive in the first place.

I read that symbolic links were not an issue with xbmc, so it should work in this scenario, but it is not working "properly as expected".
What do you mean by space is an issue? Perhaps you misunderstood me. What I meant was that when you add your TV shows as a source in XBMC you add both your NAS and your external drive as locations for that source.

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Linux Symbolic Links not being added to Library0