Can I do an clean install?
Hi all,

I installed XBMC on an ipad-2 a while ago, and updated to 12.2 recently ... and now was playing around with some add-ons - same addons work fine on another ipad (mini) ... but i can't get them to work fine on mine.

I uninstalled xbmc, and reinstalled, but all plugs were still there ... so I tried to uninstall plugins, then uninstall xbmc ... but still when i install xbmc and then plugins I get same settings and all.

Can I (using ifile/ssh) delete any folder/s post uninstall so that there are no traces left of xbmc? While ones please?

From the faq.

/private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/ for all of your XBMC data, add-ons, skins, etc, or just
Thanks guys ... actually found the FAQ before posting and missed the part about deleting /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/. Sorry!!

That actually sorted the issue - deleted the folder ... did a clean install and now all's working fine.


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Can I do an clean install?0