Need Hardware Help/Suggestions
I have built an HTPC from older hardware I had sitting around. It is a simple build:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Brisbane 2.5GHz
6GB RAM (not sure on speed)

Both On Board Video &
HD 3450 with HDMI

I have installed both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 13.04. However, when I launch XBMC and try to stream a video from my NAS it is so slow and choppy it is unwatchable. I have done some research but have found nothing that helps. Can anyone give me some suggestions or just tell me that this hardware is not powerful enough to run XBMC.

Thanks in advance,

Need more details about the files you are trying to play, full bitrate bluray rips? 720p? HD audio? Low bitrate 1080p? Do the files play in different players like MPC-HC or VLC? Give the DSplayer build a try - it's not officially supported by XBMC but it is a great player that allows for the use of DirectShow filters.

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