Solved xbmcgui.ControlSlider doesn't diplay
Hello everybody,

I'm building an addon which include a small player control (play/pause, next, previous and seeking).
To display the position in the current file, I use a ControlProgress:

self.playerProgress = xbmcgui.ControlProgress(left, self.height-130, self.width-left-10, 50)

It works prety well, but that one cannot be used to move into the file (no action are linked to it).

To add seeking control, I want to replace my progressbar by a slider, so I try:

self.playerProgress = xbmcgui.ControlSlider(left, self.height-130, self.width-left-10, 50)

But when I do that, the slider is not displayed...

Do I forget something?

Thank you in advance.
Hello again,

I try to use WindowXML instead of building by window in Python script. So I now have that code:

<control type="slider" id="307">

But I still have the same issue.

Finally I solved (avoid...) my problem:
I display a progressbar under the slider and everythink works fine !

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