3D in movie title when filename contains 3DBD or HSBS
It's been annoying me for a while - having 2D & 3D movies in the Movies list with the same title & not knowing which movie is which.
I didn't want to install add-ons or change skins to support 3D covers /logos etc...
Note: I am using mysql as the backend database in a shared Frodo XBMC set up.

Now I'm no SQL guru - actually far from it. So I hacked this sql statement together using some google magic & ran it over my 850 or mysql movie list & it works fine. It appends (3D) to the XBMC displayed movie title if its filename contains 3DBD, HSBS, H-SBS or HALF-SBS

I've no idea if this will work on everyone's mysql/xbmc setup - but hopefully the concept will help someone.
Maybe backup your db before doing this Wink

Save this in a file called 3d.sql

UPDATE movie SET c00 = CONCAT (c00, " (3D)") WHERE (c00 NOT LIKE "%(3D)") AND (c22 LIKE "%3DBD%" OR c22 LIKE "%HSBS%" OR c22 LIKE "%H-SBS%" OR c22 LIKE "%HALF-SBS%");


Then type:

mysql --user=[mysqlusername] --password=[mysqlpassword] myvideos75 < 3d.sql

XBMC should then display (3D) at the end of your 3D movie titles.

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3D in movie title when filename contains 3DBD or HSBS0