RPC call for iPhoto Window
It appears non developers are posting here with JSON questions, so, I hope its ok. I had originally posted this in the general help forum, thinking that will never get answered.

So, I have created the json requests to navigate XBMC Frodo to the main areas I am interested in, except for one. I cannot figure out how to make a request that goes to the iPhoto add on.

I want something like this, except, correct syntax of course:


If I just use iphoto, it shows a list of 0 items. If I go just to addons, it shows all of the add ons, one of which is iPhoto. Which I can select and then I see events, etc. So, iPhoto path et all is correct.

However, I want to go directly to the iPhoto addon in a single jsonrpc request. How!?
Have you tried using Addons.ExecuteAddon with the proper addon ID of the iphoto addon? That might result in the proper call to ActivateWindow for the iphoto addon.
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No, but it does work! Thanks!


Now if I could only bring XBMC to being the frontmost window in case XBMC was a background app.

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RPC call for iPhoto Window0