webcam mjpeg stream - on RPi/OpenElec
I'm trying to view a webcam stream on my local network. This has been discussed many times, but all the options I've tried that others have suggested only results in a single frame of image, which updates very slowely (like every few minutes). I've tried some of these on my PC using VLC, and that updates quickly like a webcam stream should.

Here's what I've tried: making a .strm file with the following text:


The password and username doesn't really matter for what I'm using, since it's a "motion" webcam stream.

I'm not sure what XBMC is doing with the stream. I watch it and it stays on the same frame for a while, then I see the frames go by very quickly - like it's playing that last one hundred frames super fast, then it stays on the same frame for a while longer, like it's buffering the frames of a netflix video.

Any advice? Is there an XBMC addon that makes this easier?
I've verified that it does have something to do with XBMC buffering frames until it has enough to play.

I went on my webcam and increase the frame rate output from 1 frame/sec to a higher frames/sec. On the XBMC side, it still waits about a minute between updates, but each update is a sped-up time lapse of the last several hundred frames. It's kind of like XBMC expects the stream to be 30 or 60 frames per second, but the network only allow it to download probably 5 frames per second, so it's buffering those 5 frames until it has enough to play several seconds worth of "30fps video".

Both these work in the form of a .strm file:

is there a way to specify to XBMC how many frames per second to play?
I have the same issue.
Any suggestions to avoid the buffering ?
Ideally, omxplayer should display each frame as it gets it. This 'variable frame rate' mode would work well for mjpeg's that are being streamed.

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webcam mjpeg stream - on RPi/OpenElec0