Req TV & Movie collection
I recently started playing with the Gotham nightly build and I love the "scrape from local .nfo" option and the collection management. I like the collection management options, but there is some things that are bugging me.

Right now we can link a movie to a TV show, and we can can link movies together. To me it sound as we can do almost the same thing, but in two different ways.

I just don't understand why there is two similar options like that and no way to link TV shows between them.

Let's say that I am a big Star Trek fan (that I an not). I have many seasons of many series and many movies.

Right now I can create a Movie collection and link the movies to the TV series. If I open the collection, I can only see the movies, If I open a series, I can only see that series and the movies that I linked.

I think that including TV show to collections would have many advantages

1- It would be easier and more simple to manage as you would only have one way to group things together (instead of two)
2- Also easier as you would only have to link the TV show or movie to a collection, not between each other.
3- Would make it possible to link two TV show into a collection
I too wonder about that, I would also like to create a link or "virtually name" TV episodes, so that episodes of "The Four Horsemen" and "The X-Files" could be listed together as a group and sorted together by air-date.
There are lots of TV shows that run alongside and with other shows, CSI, Stargate, Angel & Buffy. Rather than just stick movies together or a movie with a TV show, it would be nice to be able to create links between anything in the library.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
I'd love to see something like this. There could even be relationship context between shows/movies, like sequel, spin-off, prequel, alternative universe, and who knows what else. Then allow skinners various options to display how these are connected. It could be as simple as seeing a "related works" section, or make it appear as a side-scrolling screen based on sequels / prequels, condense certain relations into folders (like movie sets), etc. Lots of awesome possibilities once that relation metadata is in there.

You could even solve the dilemma about new Star Wars movies vs Old Star Wars movies, allowing people to toggle between multiple sets of "canon" :D

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