Broken mapping for Cordless Rumblepad 2
Ever since, I think, Frodo, I have had mapping problems with my Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2. It worked almost identical to the original Xbox XBMC (minus the variable triggers, which I miss) by simply plugging it in but now the right thumbstick mapping for up/down is broken.

1. The right thumbstick Up/Down does absolutely nothing when it should be volume. Even remapping something else to it does nothing.
2. The right thumbstick Left/Right is correct (jump across the video, which I find this feature annoyed to me in the first place since I almost always accidentally hit the sticks) and volume works on it if I remap it

I have edited the keymapping XML file in the past and it KINDA works. e.g. I can remap the the volume to what the seek was on and lose skipping altogether (not a big issue there). Albeit, it's not the original scheme that I have been used to for ~10 years or whatever and also I have to reverse the "polarity" so left is left (down) and right is right (up). I also lose the ability to use the quick seek feature. Albeit, it's usually more of a nuisance than a feature.

The problem is, every update, it gets wiped with the default again and it's extremely annoying to say the least.

I would rather it be fixed or possibly find a better way to handle my XML hack (like a user folder instead of install folder that overrides defaults keymapping XMLs).

Currently using Gotham Beta 3, but pretty sure it started in Frodo. It may have always existed on PC though, but I think I remember it working OK at one point either the release before Frodo or before that

Here is the original for joystick.Logitech.RumblePad.2.xml:
    <joystick name="Logitech Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2">
      <altname>Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2</altname>
      <altname>Logitech RumblePad 2 USB</altname>
      <axis limit="+1" id="4">VolumeDown</axis>
      <axis limit="-1" id="4">VolumeUp</axis>
      <axis limit="+1" id="3">AnalogSeekForward</axis>
      <axis limit="-1" id="3">AnalogSeekBack</axis>

Here is my edited version:
    <joystick name="Logitech Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2">
      <altname>Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2</altname>
      <altname>Logitech RumblePad 2 USB</altname>
      <axis limit="-1" id="3">VolumeDown</axis>
      <axis limit="+1" id="3">VolumeUp</axis>
      <axis limit="+1" id="0">AnalogSeekForward</axis>
      <axis limit="-1" id="0">AnalogSeekBack</axis>
"..." use to skip unrelated stuff. Seek set to 0 to prevent problems, but still doesn't work anyways even if set to 4. The problem is 4 is not being picked up for some reason or 4 is not the right thing to be mapped to.
Going to necro my own post here.

This problem still exists and is actually worse.

In newer version, just touching the joystick pops up an error talking about an exception in main loop and then crashes out.
In older versions, it does the same or simply crashes as soon as the joystick is touched.

I had to downgrade all the way back down to 14.2 to get it somewhat stable (still crashes but takes quite a while of holding the joystick up or down or moving it up and down).

Sad to see these bugs still around and even happening with NEW controllers, so it's no excuse to just say this is an old controller:

I bought an expensive extremely "main stream" controller to alleviate all the problems with using this "outdated" controller, and it actually works better than the new one. Albeit, though this old one works, it does crash newer builds.

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Broken mapping for Cordless Rumblepad 20