Major issue when using XBMCtorrent - Download speed is SLOW

Using XBMCTorrent. When finding a torrent (tons of seeds), download will be slow (20kbps).

Will move to laptop, do the same torrent (same site, identical torrent), will download at 20MBps (2,000 kbps).

This is weird and makes me not use my Raspberry Sad

Any advice? Any idea why would this happen?

I checked the settings, restarted, can't seems to find a reason.

PS - this happened to me with XBMC and I moved to OpenELEC - but same issue!

Thanks a million!
To stream a torrent it has to download blocks sequentially, which is not true if you aren't streaming and just downloading. Normally when you download a torrent it will grab whatever blocks it can which results in a much higher overall transfer speed as it's downloading blocks throughout the file. When you're streaming it can't do that it has to download them in order so you can play the file. On your desktop are you also streaming or just downloading?
Hi. You are correct - on the Pi I am streaming, on the laptop I am downloading.

So basically this isn't a problem? I should learn to live with this?

Unfortunately yes, torrents were designed to transfer multiple random blocks not sequential ones. Since every other user seeding the torrent who isn't at 100% will have blocks throughout the file, and may not have the ones you need yet, the number of clients you can request blocks from is a lot smaller. You will never (reliably) get the same speeds streaming vs. downloading.
Thanks so much for replying.

Is there a way to download then instead? I know it might sounds silly, but I only know how to stream!


Yes, you may find this link useful:

I've never had much luck using a single Pi as both a player and downloader. You will run into memory problems if you try to make one do too much, it's better to have multiple Pi's each working as a standalone appliance. I use one Pi with a few external HD's attached as a downloader and file server (Raspbian), all my other Pi's use the downloader as their video source and stream from it (OpenELEC).

If you need help setting up the downloader it's better to post on the Pi forums rather than on here. Good luck!

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Major issue when using XBMCtorrent - Download speed is SLOW0