Download Actor Thumbnails When Adding To Library
Hey all.

Im trying to understand a few of XBMC's functions.

Ive exported my movie and music collection into separate files. This exports thumbnails of cover art and fan art to the same folder as the movie or the music.

But what is the purpose of the Thumbnails folder in userdata? If the thumbnails for the movies are in the same folders as the movies or music why cant XBMC use those thumbnails rather than creating a huge collection of additional thumbnails?


If i deselect the Download Actor Thumbnails When Adding To Library option in >System, Settings will this mean that all the images of actors and the occasional porno scene that gets scraped-in will no longer download when I update my move library?

I dont have any porno films but some of the thumbnails are of porno scenes. And i dont have a need for actor thumbnails either so it seems like a bit of a waste.

I just like viewing the movie posters and fanart and i have never had a use for actor thumbnails.

Is there a way of deleting the superfluous actor thumbnails without deleting the movie and music thumbnails?

XBMC always caches images locally for speed. Images are also sometimes scaled down for cache reasons, while those saved along side media files are sometimes original size.

If you deselect actor thumbs then they shouldn't be downloaded, that is correct. However, there shouldn't be any porn in your actor thumbs. I'm not certain, but I think there shouldn't be any porn from anything downloaded from There might be porn entries, but there shouldn't be pornographic images.

You can nuke your thumbnails folder and delete the userdata/Database/textures##.db file, and that will force XBMC to recache thumbs. If you do this when the actor thumb option is turned of then you shouldn't get actor thumbs again, unless you saved them locally as well (I think).
Thanks alot.

A perfectly clear and concise reply.

A very rare thing in this day and age.

RE: Pornographic image.
I recently had an issue with a TV show that was being named X, an anime show , that i didnt have in my collection.
Once i sorted that issue the pornographic thumbnails were deleted upon a clean up command.

I dont know but it seems they may have been connected.

Here is a link to the thread about the above.

Thanks for your help.

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