xorg.conf being renamed?
so I didn't have this problem with v13b3, but apparently it's showing up now.

I'm trying to set the EDID manually so that I don't have to have receiver & tv on before turning on xbmc.
previously, I just edited xorg.conf with the correct info, and all was fine.

Currently, even if I set /etc/X11/xorg.conf, the file is being renamed to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.05142014, and the process isn't working as if my tv isn't on before turning on xbmc, I get no picture.

The only thing video related that I've done is installed updated nvidia drivers from marley's ppa.

Is there a reason why xorg.conf keeps getting renamed? and if so, whats the correct .conf file I should be using to specify EDID information?
I'm habing the same problem here, among other problems I'm having with XBMCBuntu. I tried several things, like forcing EDID on xorg.conf or even a script to put xorg.conf back on boot. Nothing so far solved the problem.

Does anyone have any idea on how to make Xorg leave xorg.conf alone when turning on xbmc with the tv turned off? This seems to happen only with nvidia drivers.
On Ubuntu anyway the solution is to move the file to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d

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xorg.conf being renamed?0