Win Power Loss equals no guisettings.xml
I've been testing my HTPC/DVR build and I decided to test power loss scenarios.

My mobo is set to power on after a power loss/power restore.
I've tested this 5 times by turning off the power supply switch.
2 of the 5 times my guisettings.xml are reset to default and I have
to rebuild all my settings.

What is causing this and is there a fix or workaround?
guisettings.xml is written to relatively frequently when XBMC is running even if it appears idle (total system uptime is recorded in guisettings.xml for example) and if you pull the plug while changes are being written and the file becomes corrupted, on next boot XBMC will detect corruption of the file and will throw it away to generate a new default guisettings.xml.

Not really much that you can do about it except (a) keep a backup of the file and (b) don't pull the power on it all the time.

PS you don't say what platform you're running on or which file system you're using - different file systems have varying degrees of robustness against corruption on power loss, for example NTFS is a lot better than FAT32.
Kodi 18.3 - Mid 2007 Mac Mini, 4GB, 2TB HD, Windows 7 SP1
Kodi 18.3 - Vero4k, Raspberry Pi 2. OSMC.
(2014-06-08, 11:42)DBMandrake Wrote: guisettings.xml is written to relatively frequently when XBMC is running even if it appears idle (total system uptime is recorded in guisettings.xml for example) and if you pull the plug while changes are being written and the file becomes corrupted, on next boot XBMC will detect corruption of the file and will throw it away to generate a new default guisettings.xml.

Not really much that you can do about it except (a) keep a backup of the file and (b) don't pull the power on it all the time.

PS you don't say what platform you're running on or which file system you're using - different file systems have varying degrees of robustness against corruption on power loss, for example NTFS is a lot better than FAT32.

Thanks. My topic has a Windows prefix. And it's Win 8 64bit. I'm hoping that there is a possible solution to this. Or a workaround.
Power loss due to storms and such are going to happen. This might kill my HTPC/DVR build. If I were away and this happened, the
wife and kids would not be able to fix it.

I'm curious about two things.

#1 - Once I have all of my settings setup how I want them and then place my skin in Kiosk mode. Why does XBMC need to write to the
guisettings.xml anymore?

#2 - Would copying all of my guisettings.xml into advancedsettings.xml work as a solution?
My HTPC is on an UPS.

I would consider starting XBMC with a batch file that first copies your good guisettings and then starts XBMC.

scott s.
(2014-06-09, 05:08)scott967 Wrote: My HTPC is on an UPS.

I would consider starting XBMC with a batch file that first copies your good guisettings and then starts XBMC.

scott s.

I have done exactly this and it does work.

I store my guisettings.xml in C:\XBMC\guisettings.xml

copy C:\XBMC\guisettings.xml "%appdata%\XBMC\userdata\guisettings.xml"

start /d "path" file.exe

You just have to remember to copy and paste the guisettings.xml from userdata to c:\XBMC when you want to update it.

I'm not sure if thats the exact code, but you get an idea.

If you get stuck let me know and ill turn on the machine with that particular script and modify it for you.

I use this script because my housemates shut down the computer incorrectly occasionally.

P.S. i forgot to mention that i also move other files that are stored in C:\XBMC and have that folder setup in BitTorrent Sync, so i can update files on my laptop and push to all of my clients on startup.
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Power Loss equals no guisettings.xml0