Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Addon Naming for Kodi
Just something that has been rolling around in my head since the Kodi name change was announced. I currently maintain 2 addons with the name "XBMC" in them. I know generally this is discouraged but I must have created them before this was a hard rule and was never asked to do anything about it.

When Kodi 14 is final and I want to update these addons would it be possible for me to do a name change but still keep other aspects of the addon the same? Mostly I'm thinking the addon_id will be the same but instead of "XBMC Backup" I'll change the name to something like "System Backup Utility". This way it should just auto update as usual without having to cause major user confusion but still remove the "XBMC" part of the name.

Just looking for some feedback from any of the Kodi Devs about this and what the best way to go about this should be. Thanks.
"Backup". Never understood the point of naming things "xbmc x y z", in xbmc. It's obvious we're talking about xbmc here! Many addons have changed name before so I think it'll be fine.

PS: "official" addons do this as well (XBMC Audio Mixer, XBMC Version Check) so don't be too hard on yourself
Sounds good. I'll update the addon.xml with the new names when once I start doing Kodi 14 specific repo pulls.

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Addon Naming for Kodi0