First launch on major upgrade - user feedback
Hello All ...

First - thank you so much to all those that continue to contribute to the core of my media enjoyment. Kodi is a fantastic solution and honestly one of the few programs I use every day. With this official release, the new manner in which full screen (" \ ") is handled was a fantastic surprise as I can now truly use software KVM and not ruin the experience. Thank you!

One thing that I've thought about is, when a new major version is first launched there is no feedback to the user while things run in the background. It in fact feels and appears that the software freezes. On large collections, this delay becomes more pronounced. It is likely caused by the wait of the database upgrade (for those of us using a central mysql or such) and file movement ... but I thought some user feedback to know that things are working in the background might be in order so as to prevent a reboot or forced termination during the process.

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First launch on major upgrade - user feedback0