Is it safe to stream my library across the internet?
I have Yatse running on my android devices and Openelec (Helix 14.1) running on my Raspberry Pi 2.

I have enabled Webserver on Openelec, secured with username & password. Share libraries through Upnp is also enabled.
"Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi" is enabled within Remote control.

In Yatse I have the server set to my hostname (using dynamic and I've forwarded the port on my router to allow me to connect from another network.
I can remotely connect to my library over 3g/4g and stream my content using the "play locally" option.

This all works surprisingly well, however I'm concerned about the security aspect.

I've seen some guides setup using ssh or vpn, however I believe these would slow down my connection too much (my local upload is only about 5mbps).

So does anyone know how secure this is, using the webserver with a user/password & upnp?

Its not very secure.
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I would not expose Kodi's web server to the internet. There are a lot of security situations we don't even begin to test for.
Ok thanks for your help guys.
I've closed the port on my router now.

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Is it safe to stream my library across the internet?0