Kodi + Seafile + WebDav
Hi all,

i am new and i cannot find an answer via googling or searching in the forum.
Maybe some of you guys can help me.

My Deployment:

1st Rasp-Pi: Kodi, newest Version
2nd Rap-Pi2: Seafile

I want to add the Seafile via Webdav to Kodi, to access my files.
I figured everything out, i can access my Seafile via Webdav on my Mac. (https://www.domain.de/seafdav)

When i add it in the file manager in kodi it does not work. I click "add source" then "browse", "Add network location" and:
Protocol: Webdav server https
server address www.domain.de/seafdav
port 443
username user@email.com
password: pw

Is the problem that the username is an email-address? I think i can't change that..

Thanks for the help
Kind regards
Nobody knows an answer? How do you connect your webdav? Does anybody use an email address for the login name?
This is just a guess, but I think you are correct about the e-mail address being the issue. The extra @ might be throwing Kodi off. I think a webdav address is seen by Kodi as username:password@Server. An e-mail address would be seen like user@email.com:password@Server, and Kodi probably thinks "email.com:password@server" is the server and "user" is the username, with no password.
I know it's a long shot to dig out an old topic but I've got the exact same issue and I hoped someone might have found a workaround.

Isn't there a way to escape the first @ ? Or to url-encode the username (user%40email%2Ecom) ?

Thanks for your help.

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