Creating a music library
Hi, I have two NAS on my network, a Netgear and a Synology. My aim is to replace the Netgear with the Synology. Both contain my entire music collection. I'm using Kodi 14.2 on a Raspberry Pi 2. I can define a music source from both NASs using UPNP but the Synology refuses to use smb. I can create a music library from the Netgear via smb but not UPNP. I cannot create a library from the Synology at all.

I also have Kodi running on a Windows 7 PC, it is happy to have an smb defined music source and library.

My query is: can libraries only be created via smb and can I tweak the Synology NAS and/or the RPi in order to allow access via smb between them?

I believe - and someone will surely correct me if I'm wrong - that you can use UPnP as a media source, in which case you see the files over UPnP but then scrape them locally, just as you would SMB or NFS.

It's a while since I played with a Synology box, but they definitely support SMB/CIFS - maybe you need to switch it on/enable it somehow. Alternatively, have you tried using NFS as a source? While Win7 doesn't support it natively, Kodi does, so you can see any NFS filesystem from within the Kodi application.
Hi there, my apologies, despite trying numerous options this evening, as soon as I posted my query, I appear to have resolved it! I defined the source via Add Network Connection, selecting SMB as the protocol and entering the IP address of the Synology server. This worked without problem and it is now being scanned into the library Big Grin
All's well that ends well...

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