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Hi. I would like to start by saying a big thank you for this lovely skin.the detail of options are amazing. On to my problem- I have created separate folders for normal movies and another for kids movies. The normal movies are showing fine with the fan art with the movies scraper. my problem is I have instead added kids movies to a video node since I want a separate menu however there is no option for a scraper. The result is that the views in the node looks terrible. Is there a way I can add a scraper or equivalent but I want to keep my genre of movies separate. hope I make sense.

Thank you
Windows 7 64 bit
Xbmc Gotham
Ok so I have managed to create smart playlists that have addressed this issue however I get a script failed error everytime I exit the playlist.I have changed the skin and the error disappears .any ideas.Thanks.
It's sad that I have not received any responses. For that reason, I have uninstalled this skin.

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