What's the fastest way to grab the URL of a streamed video for .strm files?
Currently, if I want to make a .strm for IGN.com or any other streaming video addon, I have to play the video, open my log, scroll to the URL, copy the URL, paste it into a text document, then name the document *.strm. It's a tedious process when trying to build a bunch of .strms for playlists.

A few of my family members have been running MediaBrowser (I think it's called Emby now) for years and aren't willing to part ways with it for Kodi. They also don't want to integrate it with Kodi. Can't say that I blame them...It's hard to part ways with a service that you haven't had major problems with for years. Heck, that's the only reason I haven't abandoned Windows...Back on topic:

I am currently working on an extremely large project that would convert my library and playlists into .strm. Any addons or other software that you guys know of that would assist me would be great.
Just a browser, go to the site, check the video out and then look at the page html and hope for a cut & paste, failing that it's your method.
My my. This is gonna be a while. Thanks.

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What's the fastest way to grab the URL of a streamed video for .strm files?0