Kodi - Stuttering on video playback
Hi there,

Firstly, let me say that I'm brand new to using Kodi. It looks simply amazing, so great job on a fantastic app.

I'm also new to this site, so if I've posted this in the wrong section, my apologies upfront.

I'm having a stuttering issue with regards to playback on my new Sony Bravia TV which is running Android 5.0.2 API level 21 (kernel: Linux 3.10.27)

The stutter can range from probably about half a second apart to a good 1-2 seconds apart, it seems a bit random. I have high speed broadband, and network monitoring is showing no issues with bandwidth (no other devices attached).

I have tried turning off "MediaCodec" as suggested in another thread, and although the stutter appeared to improve, the picture quality diminished significantly.

I would really like to get this resolved so that I can start to use this app to it's full potential, so I would really appreciate any help you can give.

Many thanks in advance,
Oh, and the version of Kodi that I downloaded through the play store is 15.0-BETA2
Hi guys,

Still suffering with this issue. Would really appreciate your help.


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