Paris, Texas (1984) not found?
tMM does not automatically find and chose (force best match or manually) Paris, Texas (1984):

Movie / file name: Paris, Texas (1984).mp4

What might be the reason for it?
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
Working OK for me -
That's strange. When I switch - in the window on the screenshots - to "English" language both of the moves are shown, then back to German language both of them keep displayed. May be there is any setting causing this.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
If I change the Movie Scraper from IMDB to or then I get Paris, Texas coming up with a German language description instead of English. Do you get this as well?
With me the plot is shown in German language always (when set to "German"), with each scraper.

So, TMDB shows the right movie instantly. Without having changed the language. When I scrape from TMDB and after rescrape with (force best match) the default IMDB the correct movie is kept correctly, some information (e.g. rating) exchanged.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence

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