New Script: XSPEditor v1 (SmartPlaylist Editor)
XSPEditor - aka 'XMBC SmartPlaylist Editor'

Script to allow the creation/editing of Smart Playlists and assigning of PartyMode.

Since iTunes7 has dropped the daap protocol, which allowed xbmc to access your remote iTunes Smart Playlists, I've been using the excellent xbmc Smart Playlists. Only problem is that you have to edit XML files manually, nobody likes doing that, so I created this script.

If your music is scanned, then the RuleBuilder section will take advantage of that.

Unpack into xbox scripts folder, keeping folder structure intact (important)


I hope I've got all the rules/conditions correct, but if you find any problems, let me know.

get it at

Retired from Add-on dev
very nice work Big Grin
Sounds like a great script. Any other place to download since XBMCScripts is currently down?

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#4 seems ok now
Retired from Add-on dev
It is a good script, I'm surprised there hasn't been more downloads. Is it the name? Maybe people aren't really aware of Smart Playlists in XBMC and so don't realise the need for an editor?
yes. here's my praise as well - lovely little work.

a bit.. lacking on the overview during gui operations but i see how doing it better would be hard (i'd love a real time filtered list - yeh yeh i know not doable Smile)
"lacking on the overview during gui operations

Not entirly sure what you mean by that, but if you've got some suggestions...?
For v1 I tried to make it as simple/uncluttered as possible.

real time filtered list yeah. once its gone to the keyboard input its out of the scripts control.

The late addition of utilising the scanned music db saves a lot of typing. But it still not as interactive as the iTunes equiv.

I think the lack a a GUI editor has kept the feature/concept of SmartPlaylists away from a lot of people who wouldnt dream of editing XML files & ftping over etc. Hopfully this will bring SPLs a bit more into the spotlight.

I've fixed the problem were it hangs on returning to the initial SPL list after creating a new one (occasionally). plus modified some of the button focus behaviour.

* I still need a decent logo, if anyones fancies flexing their PaintShop skillz ? *

Anyway, thanks for the nod.

Retired from Add-on dev
I knocked this together in PhotoShop in about 20 minutes. It's got some jaggies around the edges, but when viewed at half-size (128x128) it looks fine. It's PNG format and has proper alpha transparency:
I also had some problems when finding the script on I'm thinking a less obscure name, like "Smart Playlist Editor" would make it easier for people to know what it is and why they would want it. I for one thought there should be a script like this about 20 minutes after I found out how to use Smart Playlists Big Grin
here's a resized to 128x128 version so you can see what I mean:
this forum needs an edit button! I forgot to say I based this on some graphics from PMIII since I like the way it looks and generally like to have stuff that fits with it...
noticed that the logo was used in a second location while the script is active, so I made a quick fix, looks like this:
here's the logo graphic:
nice. I quite liked your first effort for the top logo, with the 'playlist' in the background.

The 2nd location that you mention is used to indicate PartyMode, theres no reason why it should be the same logo so maybe that could be something a bit more 'party' , if you know what I mean ?

I was thinking that a more custom header bar might be nice too ?

The script name comes from the files extension 'xsp' (i'm sure you knew that), but maybe it is a bit obscure to those that have never created such a file manually.
I'll change its name for next release to the more obvious 'SmartPlaylist Editor'

cheers for the logos -
Retired from Add-on dev
I will see if I can't do something a bit more "party"-style. BTW this script is freaking great, it's really opened up Smart Playlists for me a lot. Before they were like a great concept but a real PITA to make, especially if you're a lazy dude like me. With this script it's like "Hey, you don't have to leave your couch, boom!"
Cheers ;D
Sleepy: could you post a 256x256 of your 2nd logo effort ? (the S in a triangle)

any success with the party style icon ?

Retired from Add-on dev
Not yet, been busy with some other crap. Put out like 4 new tracks this week Big Grin
Will put up the triangular logo ASAP, my apartment has no power right now cuz Oregon and Washington are getting slammed by a super windy storm, which is bad cuz we have lots and lots of trees here Tongue

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New Script: XSPEditor v1 (SmartPlaylist Editor)0