Since Windows 10 upgrade -full screen issues
G'day all.
Just upgraded to Windows 10.
I notice that Kodi now launches with visible title bar at the top no matter what I do,
AND all keyboard shortcuts relating to full-screen toggle etc are now unresponsive.
Seems a bit weird?
Is this happening for anyone else?

Any thoughts?

Than You

geoffree in Melbourne Australia

Have got rid of the title bar by discovering that SOMEHOW the full screen settings in KODI have spontaneously changed to windowed.
Interesting that they were fine the day before i did the upgrade.
BUT the whole issue with the keyboard shortcuts not working is still happening


Check what language your keyboard selection is set to. Maybe swap it to something else, save, now swap back to the correct one.

Win10 system here and no keyboard issues.

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Since Windows 10 upgrade -full screen issues0