Issue with multi episode files
This has been an issue for several versions of Kodi/XBMC now. I have a handful of TV show episodes that are multi-part episodes merged into one file. They are named according to the wiki, and in my library they show as individual episodes which is fine. The problem is once the episode is over, it moves on to the next item in the library which points to the same file so it starts playing the same episode again. Is there any way to fix this short of disabling the option to play the next file? I'm running Kodi 15.1 on windows 7 if that matters.
Unfortunately, this is a known limitation of multiple episode files.
Episode bookmarks might help here? see
It half helps. For example, if one has a single file with 4 episodes, and sets episode bookmarks, then the following happens when "play next video automatically" is enabled:

Episode 1 gets played, but also 2, 3, and 4
Then episode 2 starts at the right time, but also plays 3 and 4.
Then episode 3 and 4
Then episode 4

To fix this we somehow need episode bookmarks to be able to mark both start and end, instead of just start. Also a way for the user to set if they only want to play one episode at a time when it is part of a larger single file.
About the only thing you can do is:

1. Get the files so they are separated. You can do this with editing software, or via other means then name then appropriately

2. Deal with it, and do the following:

Name the files:

1. Show.Sxx.E01.episodename. (Show name, season number, episode number, first episode name in series) but you know in this case it's actually 1 through 4

2. Show.Sxx.E05.episodename. (Of ep 5) This will contain show 5 through 9

Etc. Kodi wil now think you have only episode 1 and 5, and it won't care about the missing episodes, and scrape then correctly.
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
Another note- I completely forgot about, is you can try this with your naming standard:


That's how sick beard handles multiple episode naming. I don't have any that I can verify how it shows up in Kodi though, but that format is an acceptable naming convention.
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
He already has them named correctly. That is not the problem.
yep yer right. I understand it now. I found a show in my library that is like that and understand the issue.

Under the s01e01e02 format it will list ep01 and ep02 in Kodi. But both are the same file, and file length.

So I followed my own advice, and renamed to S01e01. This included the .nfo, Srr, .sfv, ad thumb. Kodi now reads

It's not perfect, but it patches the problem and gives what he asked.
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
I had hoped there was a setting somewhere that I needed to change to fix it. Oh well. I'll consider which workaround to use. Does anyone know if someone is working on a real solution in a future version of Kodi?
Well, one idea might be to expand the "play next video automatically" setting. It could have a selection of "always, only unwatched, never". A multi episode file will mark all episodes as watched, which would prevent it from repeating.
(2015-09-30, 04:22)Ned Scott Wrote: Well, one idea might be to expand the "play next video automatically" setting. It could have a selection of "always, only unwatched, never". A multi episode file will mark all episodes as watched, which would prevent it from repeating.

That seems like quite a good idea in general actually, for letting it play through only those episodes in a season that haven't already been watched. It would be useful for catching up on missed episodes only in a season vs at the moment user has to manually skip if they know they have seen that episode during a play next video automatically session.
Has there been a fix for this yet? I am having the same trouble currently.
Also curious about this.  Plex plays these files well, without repeating.  Kodi repeats the episodes everytime.
not sure if this was ever sorted, but below is quick python script I used to rename S01E01E02 to S01E01&E02
The added & stops Kodi picking it up as multi-episode but keeps that info there if ever need to rename it back.
So, with this you would get: Episode 1, Episode 3, Episode 5 etc

Simple put this in the highest directory you want to have it's files renamed (eg. the shows directory)
It will walk any subfolders / files looking for SXXEXXEXX and then rename SXXEXX&EXX
It will work with both uppercase and lowercase letters

import os
import re

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(".", topdown=False):
    for name in files:
        match ='(S[0-9]+)(E[0-9]+)(E[0-9]+)', name, re.IGNORECASE)
        if not match:

        file_path = os.path.join(root, name)
        new_name = name.replace(, '{}{}&{}'.format(*match.groups()))
        new_path = os.path.join(root, new_name)
        print('{} > {}'.format(name, new_name))
        #os.rename(file_path, new_path)
I've commented out the actual command to rename the file. So you can to a "Dry-run" first.
Once your happy - remove the # sign in-front of os.rename

It will also work on more than 2x eps. eg. S01E01E02E03E04 will become S01E01&E02E03E04
which will still scan in as just single episode 1

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Issue with multi episode files0