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Need some clarification on 24p playback and passthrough
Current Setup: Pi2, OpenELEC 5.95.5, Sony AVR (AC3, DTS, DD+), Philips TV with 24p support
Current Kodi Settings: Adjust Display Refresh Rate, Sync Playback to Display, Audio Passthrough

The most important thing for me is stutter free 24p playback like it is supposed to look. Audio Passthrough would be preferred but good 24p playback is more important.
I need some clarifications on the following things. I spend the last week trying to Google most of my questions but on some things I'm still not 100% sure.

I have enabled Adjust Refresh Rate and Sync Playback because that should get stutter free 23.976/29.97 playback.

1. If I enable Passthrough, the Sync Playback to Display option "Resample Audio" does not work and should be set to Adjust PLL? (this should be true since, well it just passes through the audio)?
2. If I disable Passthrough, is there a preferred option for the A/V sync method? (resample or PLL)
3. OMXPlayer is disabled for the Pi2 and I did get some stuttering when I enabled it. Why is that? As I understand it, OMX is GPU accelerated, wouldn't that be the better option?

I've spend the last month trying to find the best "player", I tried Android and other devices and all had at some point problems with 24p playback. THe Pi seems to be the best option atm as I see it, but Kodi in itself has a lot of options and I'm trying to understand them better. As I said, I used countless wikis and read a lot of forums, but some things are still unclear to me. So I'm sorry if those questions already came up and I just didn't search enough to find them.
If your display supports 23.976p you probably don't need "Sync Playback to Display" enabled. That is there mainly for people who have to play 23.976p content at 24.000Hz, usually because their player hardware can't cope with 23.976p output, and they'd otherwise get dropped or skipped frames. (It's also used by people who have displays that can't cope with 24.000/23.976p content at all who want to replay 23.976/24.000 content at 25p rather than 60/59.94 with 3:2 pulldown judder)

As the Pi and Pi 2 properly support 23.976 and 24.000Hz output, you shouldn't need to sync playback to the display, as "Adjust Display Refresh Rate" should just work.

OMX Player and MMAL are both using hardware accelerated video decoding, but AIUI OMXPlayer uses a different way of accessing the VPU/GPU (which uses even less CPU than MMAL?), which in some cases is better, in others, worse. MMAL is the default for Pi 2 models now as they have the CPU power to cope, OMXPlayer is the default on Pi 1s as they could be more marginal with MMAL if they are also doing other software tasks (like audio decoding rather than passthrough)
Unfortunately my TV can only display 24Hz so I need the "Sync Playback" option.
If anyone could answer my questions, that would be awesome.

actually I have no clue if my TV supports just 24 or even 23.976. Is there a way to find that out if the manufacturer site tells me nothing? My Startup logs has something like this in it:

Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 23.976025 Hz
Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 24.000000 Hz

But tvservice -m CEA just gives me in terms of 24p information:

mode 32: 1920x1080 @ 24Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz progressive 3D:FP|TopBot|

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Need some clarification on 24p playback and passthrough0