Win Add-on will not open
I can not seem to get any addon's to open. when i click they just say working and continue, when i open thru Information settings they are all blank. Also, nothing will update nor install.

I am running windows 10 on Hp w/ celeron
Kodi 15.2 when all started so i upgraded to 16
I did uninstal and reinstall 15.2 before i upgraded.
I do not have Proxy clicked , checked that, i have an ethernet cable w/ wifi turned off. checked that.

I am somewhat new to all of this, so it would be greatly appreciated if someone might could help me.

I am also including my log

Thanks so much for your time!!
I took a look at you debug log and insee that you have an awefull lot of video addons. And a lot of them are know to provide access to pirated content, and we can't help with anything like that. If you want to know why this is as it is I will recommend this video:
the "interesting"part start at 48:05
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.

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