Win Connection
Hi Guys, I have been trying for over a week now to connect KODI to the repositories as yet have failed to connect to one keep getting the message "Could.t retrieve directory information" How can I solve this please. I have been watching tutorials on You Tube and following them to the letter but without success. HELP Cheers johnboy/57[/i][/b]
which repositories? kodi repo work for you?
(2015-11-18, 17:52)johnboy/57 Wrote: Hi Guys, I have been trying for over a week now to connect KODI to the repositories as yet have failed to connect to one keep getting the message "Could.t retrieve directory information" How can I solve this please. I have been watching tutorials on You Tube and following them to the letter but without success. HELP Cheers johnboy/57[/i][/b]

I had the same issue, all with repo's other than the official one and only after just installing. Seems in my case, after a reboot everything was fine again.
I guess you will have tried this uring a week of trying, but you never know :-)

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