v12 Streaming connection problems
Hi everyone.
I'm using XBMC 12.3 on Windows XP.

I've two questions:

1) Sometimes the streams disconnect.. is there a way to make the program automatically reconnect to last stream?

2) Sometimes streaming video "pauses" by itself.. dunno why.. could this be avoided?

Thx all in advance!
You didn't mention what add-on or streams have this issue, but in general most of the "pauses" and "disconnects" are part and parcel of the 3rd party add-on and the same goes for any 'resume' capabilities, support should be directed towards that add-on or author.
The streams are simple .m3u8 links ..
i am using the basic version of XBMC, with no add-on(s).

The "pause" happens only for some streams, i got that's a buffering problem depending on server capabilities.

Now i just would like to make the program reconnect to the stream on connection loss.

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