Display orientation after exiting Kodi APP
My Android's "Display" is set to "When device is rotated ... rotate screen". When I launch the Kodi APP, Kodi FORCES "Landscape" mode which is the orientation that I would watch Videos. Unfortunately, when I exit the Kodi APP, the ONLY way that I have found to get out of Landscape mode is to REBOOT! There must be a better way?

Other than this, the Kodi APP works exceedingly well for me. In fact, it works with a DLNA/UPnP Server (on Windows) which other Android APPs don't.

My Tablet is a Google Nexus 7 (2013) currently running Android 6.0 (MRK58K). I installed the Kodi APP (15.2) from the Google Play APP Store. It is probably not relevant to this problem but my DLNA/UPnP Server is UMS 5.3.1 build date 2015-11-22 running on a 64-bit Windows 10 PRO and 32-bit JRE 1.8.0_66.

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Display orientation after exiting Kodi APP0