Win TV Programs - wrong parent folder name
Hello, all..

My Kodi 14 now 15 install has developed a random yet consistent error.

My TV shows folder structure is this:


Within those, the TV shows are named correctly - using SickBeard.

In Kodi, these two are called TV - Grown Ups and TV - Kids respectively.

Randomly, Kodi will parse both of these as a TV SHOW called "Grown Ups" and "Cave Kids".
I then have to go into each, right click, change content to blank, click to to remove, change content to TV with the radio button about the folder containing a single show UNCHECKED. Then right click, scan for new content.

That'll work for a little while but then it'll go back and do it again.

I don't really want to rename the folders, as my kids tablets, my bedroom Kodi, my tablet etc are all setup.

Is there a way I can diagnose this issue?
It looks like that you've set D:/media/tv as source.
You should add both paths separate.
Then scan your library.
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
(2016-01-07, 00:08)TRaSH Wrote: It looks like that you've set D:/media/tv as source.
You should add both paths separate.
Then scan your library.

Thanks for getting back to me.

I'm 99.9% certain I've checked this, and the 2 sources are using their respective folders.
Is there a way I can look at the config file/similar to confirm what Kodi is using?
If I'm correct depending which skin you're using.
Goto your main movies entry.
Then the sub menu you got a option for files.
When choosing that you should see your main TV entry.
Then press C and it will show you which paths you've setup.
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
I've looked at sources.xml

Here's the relevant bit edited out:

<path pathversion="1">D:\Media\TV\_Kids\</path>

<path pathversion="1">D:\Media\TV\_GrownUps\</path>

So it's definitely using the correct paths.
I had this (or something very similar) on my set-up. It's due to the content being set as TV shows or Movies on those parent folders - basically the relevant scraper is then looking at the folder name and trying to find the closest show/film in the database which matches. Hence _GrownUps finds the show "Grown Ups" and _Kids finds "Cave Kids".

What you need to do is set the upper level folders to be type "None" so they aren't scraped, but only set the lower levels (the ones with the actual movies or shows in them) to be either Movies or TV Shows to get them scraped.

On my set-up I have top level folders of "TV Shows" and "Films", and TV Shows has sub-category folders of "Nature", "Science and Engineering", "History" and "Various Series" with the relevant show folders in those. Both the top and second level folders are set to content category "none" and the lowest level set to content category "TV Shows" and all scrapes as it should.
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Thanks for the suggestion.

So - just to be clear - you're suggesting I add a third source?

Call it whatever
set it to "none"

And that'll prevent the 2 sources pointing to D:\Media\TV\_GrownUps and D:\Media\TV\_Kids from mistakenly attempting to parse their parent folder?

I'll give it a bash - can't hurt Smile
If that was to me, no, my suggestion was to set your existing sources to "None", and then go into each folder (_GrownUps and _Kids) and set each of the folders within them to "TV Shows" via the context menu of each sub-folder.

You should still only have the two existing sources, just with their content settings tweaked so that the upper parent folder levels don't try and get scraped.
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Hi, Darren..

Yes, it was in reply to you - sorry - forgot to quote you Smile

I've implemented the method I thought you'd suggested (setting up a third source with "none").
If that doesn't work, I'll look at implementing your original suggestion..

Just to be clear Smile

Path = D:\Media\TV\_Kids
Source = TV_Kids
Content = None

Then go into each one (EG D:\Media\TV_Kids\Dangermouse), right click, set to TV shows.

Using this method, I'll then have repeat the right click, TV show if I add a new folder with a new show in it, yes?
Your paths there are a bit different to what you said before. Are _Kids and _GrownUps sub-folders of TV (itself a sub-folder of Media), or should it be TV_Kids and TV_GrownUps as sub-folders of Media?

If your folder tree set-up is:


Then set Media to "None", and TV_Kids and TV_GrownUps to "TV Shows".

If your folder tree set-up is:


Then Media and TV set to "None" and _Kids and _GrownUps to "TV Shows"

Basically your first layer down that's set to "TV Shows" should be the folder which contains the sub-folders for the individual TV shows. And then if you add a new show to that folder level (TV_Kids or _Kids in the above examples) that new folder should pick up the correct type, as the parent folder will already be "TV Shows".
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What about changing the setting movies are in separate folders to OFF.

Should sort you out
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.

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TV Programs - wrong parent folder name0