Linux How to fallback to Kodi 15.2 after update to 16.0 [Solved]

I have an MySQL DB on my NAS for Kodi and an OpenELEC on Rapsberry Pi, so, OpenELEC is always in Kodi 15.2, but on my Linux Mint 17.3 (with ppa), I'm now with Kodi 16.0.

It seems that you have to have a same version on all your device of Kodi with centralised MySQL DB... ?

So now, I don't find how to easily re-install a Kodi 15.2.

Somebody know where I can find a .deb amd64 15.2 build for Ubuntu/Mint 14.04 trusty or I have to compile from source my self?

Thanks if you have any tips or ideas Huh
Thanks you!!!!

I swear, I do not understand how I could spend more than 30 minutes to search on the web and at least 10 minutes in without falling over Huh
Sorry, I'm no expert, do not understand Linux, nor English (I use the translator G).
But I do not think the problem is solved because not as down version Kodi 16 to 15.2. because I need it because all my other devices have the kodi 15.2, and can not change version.

I have performed the steps in this post, and neither I managed (
following this post, get this result:

Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
kodi : Depende: kodi-bin (< 2:15.2~git20151019.1039-final-0trusty.1~) pero 2:16.0~git20160220.1654-final-0trusty va a ser instalado
E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes rotos.


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How to fallback to Kodi 15.2 after update to 16.0 [Solved]0