IPTV simple with multi m3u playlist support
I've found this fork of iptv simple pvr with multi playlist support. I managed to compile a zip for OSX following provided instructions. It works perfect on Kodi 16.0 OSX - i have 3 playlist loaded in pvr.iptv.simple. Unfortunately the .zip doesn't install on android, iOS , openelec.
Can anyone compile .zip for other platforms (Android, IOS, Raspberry PI2 OpenELEC)?
(2016-02-26, 12:10)Sei4eto Wrote: Hello!
I've found this fork of iptv simple pvr with multi playlist support. I managed to compile a zip for OSX following provided instructions. It works perfect on Kodi 16.0 OSX - i have 3 playlist loaded in pvr.iptv.simple. Unfortunately the .zip doesn't install on android, iOS , openelec.
Can anyone compile .zip for other platforms (Android, IOS, Raspberry PI2 OpenELEC)?

Thanks very much for the zip for OS X Wink
In fact I don´t know what is the difference between the original one and this one a part from the multi playlist, but fixed the problem I had before(channels stopping on it's own after ten minutes). I have been watching a match for an hour without crashing, no a single time.
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
(2016-02-26, 21:34)cere84 Wrote:
(2016-02-26, 12:10)Sei4eto Wrote: Hello!
I've found this fork of iptv simple pvr with multi playlist support. I managed to compile a zip for OSX following provided instructions. It works perfect on Kodi 16.0 OSX - i have 3 playlist loaded in pvr.iptv.simple. Unfortunately the .zip doesn't install on android, iOS , openelec.
Can anyone compile .zip for other platforms (Android, IOS, Raspberry PI2 OpenELEC)?

Thanks very much for the zip for OS X Wink
You're welcome!
So if someone makes .zip for other platforms would be a very nice Smile
I would love to try this for Windows. Unfortunatly my compiling skills are very limited. So if anybody has a wundows version I would would be most thankful.
Can you please help me with iptv.
I have almost same problem as you.
Some of my channels wont open.?
Compiled zip for Ubuntu pvr.iptv.simple multi m3u playlist
Pls someone make iOS and openelec Rospbery pi2 zip Smile PLS
Hello "Sei4eto"
This " pvr.iptv.simple multi m3u playlist" I can install on KODI 16 in Minix (Windows) Z64?
I have installed the version "1.12.10 PVR IPTV Simple Client" from "Nightck".
Thank information.
And for Windows too??
(2016-03-03, 00:34)Sei4eto Wrote: Compiled zip for Ubuntu pvr.iptv.simple multi m3u playlist
Pls someone make iOS and openelec Rospbery pi2 zip Smile PLS

For Ubuntu you may use this ppa - https://launchpad.net/~aap/+archive/ubuntu/kodi-addons .
I compiled it for Windows. Enjoy!
Hi Doki-user,
can you please compile it for android?
it will be great
(2016-03-22, 16:29)doki-user Wrote: I compiled it for Windows. Enjoy!

fantastic, but it does not seem to work properly . Some problem with the dll 32/64 bit ?

18:44:28 T:9796 ERROR: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load "C:\Users\Marco\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\pvr.iptvsimple\pvr.iptvsimple.dll" with error 126: "Impossibile trovare il modulo specificato.
Same issue here as numbor.
Error states: Missing pvr.iptvsimple.dll in %appdata%\Kodi\addons\pvr.iptvsimple\
File library IS present in expected path however.
My Windows is 32 bit so that is maybe the problem

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IPTV simple with multi m3u playlist support0