Samba Support - Openelec shows up on laptop but not on computer
I have OpenElec (with samba support) that will work on my laptop no problem. I am able to access files and what not. However, I am unable to access the network on my main PC.

What is strange about this is that both devices have Windows 7 installed (64 bit).

I have tried something. I have disabled samba and reenabled it. When i do that, it finally shows up on my main PC. But when I restart my PC, it goes away.

How do i fix this?
Most likely you aren´t in the same workgroup. On the none working PC:

Check the "Window Control Panel"->"System"->"Workgroup" if this is the same as for the working PC. If it is not, then change it (you have to restart your PC after).

But you are able to connect to your RPI even you aren´t in the same workgroup. Open your filebrowser and enter:




Note: "" has ofc to be replaced with the actual IP of the RPi. You find this IP at Kodi GUI: "settings"->submenu->"system information"->"network"

Okay. I installed LibreElec and now it does not show up on both devices.

If i type in \\libreelec in file browser, it does show up but then it disappears when i restart both systems. i have enabled samba and ssh. what gives? ps: both devices are connected with each in the same workgroup.
So i just did a fresh install of OpenElec on my pi2. I have enabled samba and ssh. On both of my devices (pc and laptop) i am able to see kodi but it is under media devices. I need it to be under computer so i can access the files on the pi.

Both of my devices are on the same workgroup.

how do i fix this?
access them like this..

start, run (winkey + r)
tap enter.

windows network browser is always a bit hit and miss, using the run box will work every time

Or use \\ip-of-pi
(2016-04-13, 11:31)bledd Wrote: access them like this..

start, run (winkey + r)
tap enter.

windows network browser is always a bit hit and miss, using the run box will work every time

Or use \\ip-of-pi

I know i can do that but i want it to start up automatically. Not only that, i setup network maps so i can access files (i have an external hard drive connected to the pi). Everytime i restart the pc, i would have to reconnect the maps..

i have no idea why it is behaving like this.
By default, there is a check box to reconnect network drive at log on, make sure it's checked.
(2016-04-13, 22:09)cd2022 Wrote: By default, there is a check box to reconnect network drive at log on, make sure it's checked.

I have done that right after a new install. I can the connection under media device on both devices but that is not what i want. it has to be under "computer"

i even turned off my router and internet modem but that did not do anything.

I need samba to work my windows 7 64bit machine so i can the files from the pi2 device. simple as that.
I don't think it will help you,
but the reason it shows as a media device is that you have the option to export DLNA/UPNP turned on.
As far as the rest goes, it hasn't worked properly for my local net since changing to any Windows after XP - I hypothsise that it is another of those Msoft changes which isn't well understood, combined with the newer versions of SAMBA which have been released and used by linux.
(2016-04-14, 08:59)dandnsmith Wrote: I don't think it will help you,
but the reason it shows as a media device is that you have the option to export DLNA/UPNP turned on.
As far as the rest goes, it hasn't worked properly for my local net since changing to any Windows after XP - I hypothsise that it is another of those Msoft changes which isn't well understood, combined with the newer versions of SAMBA which have been released and used by linux.
i guess i have to buy another pi

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Samba Support - Openelec shows up on laptop but not on computer0