KODI wrong IP Adress on Amazon FireTV
just installed Kodi 16.0 on my new Amazon fireTV. I tried to start LiveTV with tvheadend running on raspberry Pi. but it did not work! So I checked the systemInfo in Kodi and there is the wrong IP Adress. I have a private Lan with 10.0.X.X but the IP Adress of Kodi is 192.168.X.X .... so there is no chance to connect to tvheadend. Subnet is and the primary DNS Server is the IP of my Router 10.0.0.XXX.
no Gateway and no secondary DNS Server.

I installed Kodi 16.0 and i am able to install skins and addons so actually the lan connection works.
Any ideas on how to fix that!?
rebuilding ....
This is just a shot in the dark, but is one on wifi and one on wired ethernet? If so, try rebooting your router. I've seen routers that sometimes put wifi on a separate group by mistake (as in, not a guest network feature), and it isolated my laptop from the rest of the network. It was an older Apple airport router, but I suppose it could happen to any brand. A reboot seemed to fix it.
hi, a reset / new start of my router did not help.
Actually the interesting thing is that I can download Addons and watch online media. But the THV client is not working ...
rebuilding ....

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KODI wrong IP Adress on Amazon FireTV0