MySQL and 2 Pis - losing Movies
I've set up MySQL on my Windows PC and I have Kodi running on 2 Raspberry Pis. I'm having a problem though, I "Set Content" on one of the Pis to rebuild the library which assigns the Movie Information and posters etc. At this stage I can set a Movie as watched and it will show it as watched on the other Pi - but there is no artwork on the other Pi and it says the Movie is missing when I try to play it.

I "Set Content" on that Pi which brings it back, but then I lose the Movie and posters on the other Pi. It's only seeing the artwork and the movie on one of the Pis at a time.

Any idea what's going on?
When you set up the source for the movie was it a source that is accessible from both pi’s?(NFS,SMB)
A Debug-log (wiki) may help.
Are they both running the same version of Kodi?
HTPCs: 2 x Chromecast with Google TV
Audio: Pioneer VSX-819HK & S-HS 100 5.1 Speakers
Server: HP Compaq Pro 6300, 4GB RAM, 8.75TB, Bodhi Linux 5.x, NFS, MySQL

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