Bug Movie set keeps reverting
I have set my movie collection up into sets and have managed the sets using WIMM. All the sets have been renamed and the movies put into each one according to genre. But there is one particular set, always the same movies that refuse to stay in the set. This particular genre, I'll call set A and there are three sub sets, (three separate sets but with with similar content) Set A - 1, Set A - 2 and set A - 3. Set A - 1 is by far the largest and the problem. When I update the library the movies in Set A - 1 delete the set that I had put them in, organize themselves into new sets, or no set individual movies, every time I update. I then have to reorganize them, but when i update again the same thing happens. This is not a problem with any other movies or sets, just these same 20 + movies and this one set. Is there a way to manage the movies into the set that I want and lock them in place so they cannot move. Also I use a MySQL server and in an effort to stop this the last time it happened I manged the movies back to where I wanted them, went into the database and deleted the sets that the movies had created for themselves. I am get really annoyed with this as I cannot update the library without this happening so any ideas to remedy this would be great.

Using KODI 16 with OSMC on a PI 2.

I posted this in the OSMC forum but was told that apparently it belongs here.

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Movie set keeps reverting0