Kodi on Monster 7" tablet?
Just bought a used Monster M7 (android) tablet. Trying to download Kodi from Google PlayStore indicates Kodi is not suitable for this device, and will not install it...

Has anyone used the Monster tablet with Kodi, and how? There has got to be a "work-around".

Partial specs from MyMonsterTablet web site...

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
1.5 GHz Dual Core processor with 1GB RAM
16GB Storage – 5GB free cloud storage with Google Drive
Micro SD card expansion slot

What the heck, it cost me $20.00. I'm willing to try to do this.
You need to either find a update for your device, Kodi 16.x requires Android 4.2 or later or you need to install an older version of Kodi which can be found here: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/android/arm/
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Thanks for the quick reply and good information!

Since I posted, I found that there is a software/firmware for the Monster. I'. in the middle of this upgrade as I type this...

Not really sure what all is included in this update from Google Play Store - - it is only 14%downloaded.....can you say s-l-o-w.

If this upgrade takes the device to 4.2, then I'm ok. Otherwise I will get the older version of Kodi.

Again, Thanks!!!

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Kodi on Monster 7" tablet?0