Rpi Camera - FPGA

I have been working with the Raspberry Pi Camera to make an interface with an FPGA and take the data from the camera to the FPGA memory. I want to connect the Camera Module directly with the FPGA but I have not found any document that explain the communication protocol or some procedure to make it possible to connect and configure the camera with the FPGA.

If someone know any document or have an idea that can be helpful for my project I will be very grateful.

Why are you asking in a Kodi forum? I'd be very surprised if anyone here would know.

This forum would be a better bet, but still unlikely to get the information you need.
You really need to be talking to the manufacturers of the camera module (OmniVision or Sony depending on the version) for a data sheet, but that may require an NDA.

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Rpi Camera - FPGA0