Suggestion for Live TV hardware module ??
I think that this might be a noob question, so please forgive me as I am not super technical...

I am getting rid of my HTPC as the hardware is getting dated and putting my 14TB library on a NAS on the network and building a Odroid C2 KODI client to watch content. Also, cutting the cord and getting a UHV antenna.

So - what module is recommended to attach the antenna to?? KODI can handle watching live but I am just not sure of what hardware to get to process the OTA signals.



KODI 16.1 on Odroid C2, Android OS, Roku Clients w/ Plex, Dell R710 Rack Server w/ 40TB storage
Not sure which country you are located, but the tuners from SiliconDust are very flexible.
The media playback of the C2 is still in flux. Some developers are working on tweaks to the C2's libraries that facilitate much better playback, but it is still not fully there. Also, Kodi is a bit hit or miss, although the LE port is looking pretty good.

In general I would also recommend SiliconDust hardware for its flexibility. However, the Extend is currently out of stock and the new model replacing it isn't available yet. And if you're in the US with a CableCard, I personally have had network issues with the 3 different Primes for the past several months; as have other users. In genera, it's great hardware, but I fall into the minority with great problems.
Hey thanks for the suggestions!

I think I'll pick up the silicondust module.

I'm going to build the Odroid C2 machine when I get the parts in a few days.
As I mentioned above, my HTPC is just dated and the fans are getting loud so it's time to upgrade to more memory as my 14TB is at its max and I need more room.

But I'll def get the silicondust piece and I see its in Frys for $80. I have a decent outdoor UHF antenna that I can also use with it as well.

Btw I live in Los Angeles.
KODI 16.1 on Odroid C2, Android OS, Roku Clients w/ Plex, Dell R710 Rack Server w/ 40TB storage
If for whatever reason tuners from SiliconDust is not for you then checkout the hardware compatibility lists in the wiki of

Then you should as well consider asking advice in the forum for

If you are running LibreELEC or OpenELEC then you should also ask in their forums since they need to support the firmware.

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Suggestion for Live TV hardware module ??0