Kodi (Jarvis 16.1) UPnP not found by Samsung BD-J7500

I current am using Kodi (Jarvis 16.1) on a HTPC, but my new Blu-Ray player supports media from UPnP sources, so I am trying to get that to work, as the files are hosted on the main computer in the house, that way I'm not running two PC's. :-)

I could not get the Samsung to recognize Kodi at all, no matter what I did. It did find my GoFlex Home (NAS drive).

When I could not get Kodi to show up I broke down and spent hours getting Plex up and running, but I have never been a fan, and the new version of the App on the Samsung is supposedly riddled with errors, but I was trying to see if there was a connection problem from the main computer in the house to the Samsung. Plex did show up on the Samsung as a UPnP device, as well as through the app.

So the GoFlex and Plex show up on the Samsung, but I can not get Kodi to show up no matter what I try. I have tried the shut up and reboot, tried turning Kodi on right before the Samsung, right after the Samsung, turning sharing off, then back on, on Kodi, but nothing seems to work.

Just thought of another test and Kodi does not even show up on other computers on the network as a UPnP device, but both Plex and the GoFlex do, any suggestions on HOW to get Kodi to show up on the Samsung, or even on other devices on the network?

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Kodi (Jarvis 16.1) UPnP not found by Samsung BD-J75000