Disk is not writable (Shield Console TV)

I'm using Shield for the past month and half. It's been backing up using the Backup Tool without issues for like 5 weeks no issues.
But now all of a sudden I'm getting disk is not writable for the past 5 days Its weird.

Backing upto internal HDD, I have 450GB Free.

I've had similar issues with my old Samsung Note II after possibly 6-8 months of backing up correctly.

I tried to backup to usb pendrive and a SD card but that's not working either. I'm using the 'EMINENCE' skin, it has a backup option for the skin. So I tried to do that to the internal HDD and the USB Pendrive & SD Card and it keeps saying 'Make sure the selected folder is writable and that the new folder name is valid. Tried both Root and creating a new folder called Backup.

So no matter what I try to do it doesn't want to backup due to drive not being writable. I can copy stuff to both HDD and other removable drives

Please can anyone help.

The Shield should automatically make a folder that is called data when you plug in the drive. Inside of that should be a folder for Kodi. Kodi should have write access to that folder.
Was already answered here: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2406944
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Disk is not writable (Shield Console TV)0