WIP Kodi and adding video
Hi. I am new to raspberry pi and kodi.
Running kodi with retropie.
I have an external usb3 drive formatted to use with my mac. I have all my movies on the drive.
I have connected the drive with the rasp pi and can navigate to my hard drive in kodi and watch movies.
I don't get any artwork though.
I have installed the artwork manager (or whatever it's calledSmile

I have read that I have to add my videos first, before kodi can find artwork.
So I try to do that by pressing "add video". From here I go to browse, but I can't find my hard drive. If I go under /var/, there is no media folder. (I read that my drive would show up there).
The weird thing is that kodi can see the drive and play files but the "add files" function can't see my drive.

Any suggestions?

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Looking at some of the setup instructions for retropie, it would appear that usb drives are mounted at /media/usbX . Have you tried navigating to there and seeing if your drive is indeed mounted there ?

The other thing you could do if you have either another computer or phone/tablet on the same network is connect to the pi with SSH and execute dmesg | tail a couple of seconds after plugging in the drive. That should tell you what was detected and where it was mounted (if at all).
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Thanks! I'll look into it and get backSmile
Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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Worked perfectly. ThanksSmile

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