Krypton beta 6 - AFTV
just got myself an AFTV2 - hoping for a better platform than the PI3. In short runs very well - smooth GUI and all - quite happy....except for the "pictures" functionality. Basically I have a lot (60k) pictures on a file server that I view using either MCE, Kodi on Windows, Kodi on Pi and now Kodi on AFTV. Never a problem with MCE or Kodi/windows, occasional problems with the Pi but terrible experience on AFTV. Basically Kodi bombs out when trying to read/display pictures from the SMB shares. This was a big issue on the PI as well - running out of memory trying to read the metadata of each image in a given folder - but that was fixed. Looks like that fix wasn't backported to the Android code base??

Any ideas??


Provide a Debug Log, please. The fix was a generic platform fix, it went into all platforms.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

looks like its having issues with Exif headers and tries to enable joystick support??

It's generating thumbs should be faster next time it is finished. Depending on the network speed it is very slow. Thumb calculation is CPU bound.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
running gigE so network should be fine. Any idea why Kodi "bombs out"?? The log was captured directly after it bombed out back to the AFTV gui. Not been able to show more than 3 pictures before collapsing...

Could you copy some 1000 images to an usb stick and retry? I fear a smb issue.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Krypton beta 6 - AFTV0