Nvidia Shield TV (2017) & Harmony Elite Remote/Hub
Thanks! I used that file and it's working now as expected!! thanks everyone.

What would be the key to map/command to map in harmony buttons to bring up subtitles search/selection?
Is it recommended to use the Mac setup, or windows? Right now I'm trying the Mac keyboard setup, and what I really need--the ability to switch audio tracks--isn't available. "Audio Tracks" for the Mac setup give me the audio offset function instead.

I DID figure out how to fix the back button issue, though. You have to use the "customizing Harmony App buttons," and then you can actually grab the "back" function. Worked for me, anyway. Found the directions here: https://support.myharmony.com/en-pl/cust...armony-app It fixed pretty much all of my issues (I'm using an old smartphone as a Harmony remote), except for the audio problem.

And has anyone else used Yatse and has been able to replicate some of those functions, like jumping straight to the Movies list, or TV list?

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Nvidia Shield TV (2017) & Harmony Elite Remote/Hub0