scraper with/for German film-titles and thumbnails?
My question is, if it is possible to recive the german titel from imdb instead of the original titel?
I know that there is the ofdb scraper but the searchegine of ofdb ist realy stupid
so if u scan a whole folder you wount find many right titels in the Libary.
imdbs searchresults are almost 90% right so for me imdbscrapper with germantitels would be the best.

thx in advance
try changing the <title> expression in the scraper under get details to something along the lines of...


You will need to sort out alternative title "fallback" if [de] translated title does not exist...

But a heads up for you to get started.
problem is i do know nothing about programming
may another way would be to give imdb scrapper the option to make folder name to title and just recive the rest from imdb

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