Can't figure out how to get a "full wall" view
Not my day... installed the logger and then the skin installed successfully despite me trying ~5 times prior to it.

Still not seeing anything under TV shows on the home page but empty categories, despite going to media settings > videos > and having a share in there labelled as TV shows that has a wall view, posters, and everytihng. Added a few movies the same way but selected "movies" instead, works correctly and shows on the home page.

X:\TV Shows\Showname\Season 01\Showname S01E01.mkv
If it scrapped correctly then it would show the posters and data for your TV Shows.

If it's working right for movies then it doesn't sound like it scrapped the data for your TV Shows.

Are your folder structures/file names correct for TV shows. The folder structure should be:

Show name/Season x (e.g. Game of Thrones/Season 1 /Season 2 /Season 3, etc)

File name should be Show name.SxxExx (e.g. Game of Thrones.S01E01, Game of Thrones.S01E02, etc.)
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X:\TV Shows\Season 1\F is for Family.S01E06.mkv (this is a mapped drive, my movies directory is X:\Movies\ and works fine)

Looks like it scrapped posters and episode images, but on the list view for episodes it says "no information available" on the left hand side. Not sure if normal. TVDB is set as the scraper. Still not showing up on home page.. seems broken.
OK one of the 3 shows I added randomly showed up in there. Is TVDB just getting hammered and taking forever to add the information? The site seems fine.

The show it did scrape now has descriptions, rating, etc. The others are just sitting there and I see no "scraping" progress bar in the corner. No way to check what it's doing?
Hey it randomly started working, I guess TVDB's API was having issues...

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Can't figure out how to get a "full wall" view0