How do I install Aeon nox warlion?
Hi, does Aeon nox warlion 4.1.9 work on all versions of kodi, or do I have have to upgrade/downgrade?, I tried to see what version I have but I could´t find anything in settings....
Thats an old version of the skin , has not been maintained. you would be advised to go with current stable Kodi 17 & something like Aeon Nox, Or Aeon Nox Slvo or Madnox.
Ok, I have the standard aeon nox but I cant choose bluray cases for neither of the versions you mentioned.
Unless I have misses something, the warlion had the best look when browsing for cases
Please help not show the Skin I sent in the path of Android / data / org.xbmc.kodi / files / .kodi / addons copy kodi 17 and my Android and note that version 16 of kodi do not encounter this problem
Ok. Checked out madnox. Looks good, is there an easy way to install this skin from within openelec, I cant seem to be able to choose install from zip or something similar...
If I recall you will have to ssh into openelec. but again as I have been told LibreELEC has taken over from what openelec used to be
Check it out here --->

Madnox is the successor to Warlion mod. BUT it is intensive , it might not perform well on Rpi,weak android boxes, AmazonFTV stick etc .

SiLVO mod might best suit you.

yes you can have all cases in all of them. Actually just particularly for cases & choice you might want to look for Aeon MQ.

happy tweaking !
I have an intel nuc i3 so it should be ok, but might need more ram?

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How do I install Aeon nox warlion?0